Monday, February 4, 2013

My Chore Chart

I finished my chore chart.  I'm posting the list of chores/healthy habits here in case you want ideas to do your own chore chart.  I originally had a monetary value attached to each chore for me to spend on myself (and not the kids!), but even with most of the items being worth only 10-30 cents, it ended up that I would earn way too much money.  I want to keep it somewhere between 5 and 10 dollars a week-- that way it's a small enough amount so I don't feel guilty spending money on myself and I think I will work harder if it's more challenging to earn a few bucks.  I decided to assign each chore a point amount-- most items are worth 1 to 10 points.  Each point actually equals one penny, but I prefer to think of them as points because there is no way I'm going to want to clean a toilet for 5 cents.  :)

Chore/Healthy Habit                               Points
(upstairs chart)
Brush teeth AM                                       1
Brush 2yo's teeth AM                               2
Shave armpits                                         2
Shave legs                                              10
Make bed                                                2
Laundry                                                   2/load
Put clean clothes away                            2
Clean litterbox                                        10
Clean master toilet                                  5
Clean master sinks/counter/mirror           5
Clean master shower                               10
Clean kids' toilet                                      5
Clean kids' sink/counter/mirror                5
Clean kids' bathtub                                  10
Vacuum stairs and hallway                       10
Vacuum bedrooms                                    10
Clean hard surface floors upstairs             10
Empty upstairs garbages Tues eve             1
Brush 2yo's teeth PM                                 2
Brush teeth PM                                         2
Floss                                                        3
All dirty clothes in hamper, not on floor    1
(downstairs chart)
Eat only healthy snacks                             2
Eat fruits/veggies                                      2-25, 3-50, 4-100
Serve fruits/veggies to the kids                  2-25, 3-50, 4-100
5yo actually eats fruits/veggies                  2-25, 3-50, 4-100
2yo actually eats fruits/veggies                  2-25, 3-50, 4-100
Exercise                                                    15 min-25, 30-50, 45-75, 60-100
Declutter/organize                                    15 min-25, 30-50, 45-75, 60-100
Clean toilet                                               5
Clean bathroom sink/counter/mirror          5
Dust (upstairs too)                                     5
Vacuum downstairs                                    10
Clean hard surface floors downstairs           10
Table is empty and clean                            1
Wash dishes/sink is empty and clean           5/5
Clean counters and stove                            2
Pick up toys                                                2
Pick up spots I have decluttered                  3
Do something creative                                3
Get 5yo's backpack ready for tomorrow       1
Pick up dog poop in backyard                      10
Empty downstairs garbages Tues eve           1
Garbage/recycling outside Tues eve            5
Take a load of stuff to Goodwill                  100

You may laugh at some of the things on here, and I don't blame you!  It doesn't seem like I should have to be reminded to brush my teeth and shave, but with two small kids that run me ragged I'm surprised I remember to wear deoderant most days.  I'll probably tweak this chart after I've used it awhile, but for now I think it looks pretty good. 

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