Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just call me Messy Mommy

I'm the least organized person I know. The funny thing is, though, I am really good at coming up with creative ways to organize things and solve problems. After all, I do have my Bachelor's degree in interior design. I get these great ideas, then after working full time and taking care of our two little kiddos, I run out of steam and flop on the couch and watch tv or play games on the iPad. 

Today we had an unexpected snow day so I was home from work, and I suddenly had lots of energy to tackle some projects I had been putting off. My mind was chugging along all day thinking of cool decorating ideas, new ways to organize our stuff, crafts I'd like to work on, etc. I love to write, and have recently started what will hopefully become a self help book about the art of positive thinking. I was getting all these other ideas today about books I would like to write, and I had so many scattered thoughts that I finally realized I should put them all into a blog.

I'm going to post my organizing projects with embarrassing before photos and hopefully glamorous after photos. I'm hoping that posting about them will help keep me motivated and on track. I also plan to post other types of organization ideas, decorating ideas, crafts, recipes, funny kid stories, etc. 

I can't wait to get started!


  1. I might have to call upon your skills to organize!

  2. Great article about our modern life and the accumulation of 'stuff' in our homes.

  3. LOL Janet-- you've seen how messy my desk is at work. You might want to see evidence of my skills before you ask for help from me! :)

    Amy, that is an AMAZING article. I need to print it out and post it on every available surface so I will remember I don't need so much stuff!
